Working Documents of IFIP WG2.1
- Descrição
- Dossier with copies of working documents of IFIP WG 2.1: On certain Basic Concept of Programming Languages by Niklaus Wirth" (1-32); Report of Fraser Duncan to the members of WG 2.1 about Algol X and Y with an appendix and other reports on Zandvoort, Munich and Amsterdam meetings (33-86); Jack N. Merner sends to WG2.1 members a report of the Algol-X-I-O Subcommittee (1966-07-26) (87-114); General remarks on the [W.G.2.1 Warsaw] meeting by A. Mazurkiewicz (115-115); Copy of Notice of the 7th meeting of WG 2.1 on Algol by Willem van der Poel (1966-06-04) (116-116); Members mailing list of IFIP/WG 2.1 on Algol (1966) (117-123); Copy of letter of C.A.R. Hoare (Tony) to Willem van der Poel about Willem's chairman report (1966-09-28) (124-126); Copy of letter of Niklaus Wirth to Willem van der Poel explaining his position concerning the developments within WG 2.1 (1966-09-27) (127-128); Manuscript copy of Willem van der Poel to Andrei Ershov (129-129); Comments on "A contribution to the Development of Algol" by T. Simauti (130-137); Recursive definition of Syntax and semantics by A. Van Wijngaarden presented in IFIP working conference in Vienna (Formal Language Description Language) (138-147); Assigning meaning to programs by Robert W. Floyd (148-167); Record Handling by C.A.R. Hoare (Tony) (a series of lectures to be delivered at the 1966 NATO Summer School) (168-191).
- Idioma
- eng
- Nível de descrição
- Unidade de instalação
- Dimensões
- 1 maço
- Tipo de documento
- Correspondência
- Artigo
- Relatório
- Entidade detentora
- Arquivo Distrital de Braga
- Código de referência
- PT/UM-ADB/ASS/IFIP/TC2-WG2.1/004/01456
- Coleções
- Manuscritos